aj rafael
Saturday, October 23, 2010
apakan, sesungguhnya N bored. and srsly jobless. saturday and i'm not even hanging out with my friends, sucks ain't it? yatah an, i just have to live with it. i'm now hungry, craving for pizza, imagine: pizza, melted cheese on top, tuna? yes. the smell of the cheese, grrs. how i wish my maid is awake right now. and di rumah sini BISING! because my mum and my uncle karaoke, mestikah karaoke pakai speakers besar besar atu? berdarah karang telinga! haha, but srsly, BISING wah! keep it down k. kan tidur pun inda dapat. sheesh.
i miss alip, i wonder what is he doing right now.
baby, wherever you are, i hope you're thinking of me, cause i'm here, thinking of you.
urhh, im so hungry that i might just turn into a cannibal monster and eat someone. hehehe. nadawah. will get my butt up and head to the kitchen krg.
so i guess that's all, ngalih N.