Monday, July 12, 2010

Picture this:
"Example when a guy kisses you on the forehead and rub your cheek, he rubs your hand when it's cold and smile at you when you do something really dumb."
GAHHHHHHHH. That'll be like, so cute? Like duh. Hehehe.
So, it has been like 2 days I didn't go online FB and uncountable days I didn't go online on MSN.
I have to admit, I've been thinking about someone lately, I miss Alip :( and I wonder if he even know that :P
Few days ago, I was discussing about piercings with Celine and she wanna get an eyebrow piercing. Cooooooooooooooool. And yknow what? I wanna get a snakebite! Hehehe, I wanna get it as soon as possible, well after Celine do hers then Imma do mine. I don't care if it freaking hurts or whatever (I know it'll swell for days, my mom's gonna ask me, and I'll just say I bite my lips, lol) I WANNA GET IT SO BADLYYYYYYY. >: and I wanna pierce my upper ear again, hehehehe.
Plus, my birthday is coming soon, I'm on my way to fourteen, I'm getting older. Hehe.
Till here. xo.
